
Boiled artichokes with lemon drizzle and olive oil - Carciofi sbollentati con una spruzzata di succo di limone e olio di oliva - Kahane artičoke poškropljene limunovim sokom i maslinovim uljem

I'm more able to express my thoughts with images then with words. There is a plenty of things I would like to say, there are many stories to tell, sometimes I even start writing and suddenly I stop, I interrupt words creating the sentence and I go backwards cancelling letter by letter the whole text. Then I open my photo catalogue and I start thinking about the story. The story that I'll tell with the pictures more then with words. Simple story with the simple recipe. Like the one I have prepared now.
I always try to find compromise and to put myself behind my wishes and needs only to fullfil all possible and impossible expectations...crazy me! Trust me, it's insane, I hate myself being like that, but I can change my nature. The spiny one, like these beautiful artichokes.

I admit, I'm really closed person and I suppress my instinct in writing down my first feelings, stupid or not, but I keep my self-composure. It's not easy, it takes a lot of effort trying to leave things easy and calm as thery are. Disturbing someone in some manner or with wrong approach is my biggest concern. So I keep the distance....but when I take picturs I'm in my world, peaceful and solitary. I can stay in front of the set for a while before a find "my" perfect shoot. I'm not the photographic expert at all, I'm only tyring to express what I feel in best possible way. Searching for a beauty and perfection in every single shoot is my aim.
Even these solid and dangerous artichokes are so attractive under the right light!
This today is not the real recipe, but a simple side dish you can serve with whatever you like. Not spicy, I prefer to tast the natural flavour of everything. The best moment during the cooking is when you immerse the artichokes in boiling water and you feel the ferrous steam in your nose. I'm sure you will love it.
Again, simple, a bit freaky things are the best!


artichokes (2-3 per person)
freshly squeezed lemon juice
extra virgin olive oil
finely cut parsley

Prepare the bowl with cold water and juice of one lemon.
Clean artichokes eliminating hard external leaves, internal "beard" and peal fibrous stem.
Keep artichokes in the lemon water while you finish to clean all artichokes you will cook, otherwise they will get dark and oxidized.
Cut each artichoke in half and stems into 3 cm big peaces.
Put water to boil, add salt and once the water commence to boil add artichokes and let them boil around 10 minutes.
Don't cook to long, because artichokes must remain crispy.
Drain artichokes and arrange them on the serving plate.
Drizzle with freshly squeezed lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil. Garnish with some finely cut parsley.
Serve warm or cold as side dish.


carciofi (2-3 per persona)
succo li limone spremuto fresco
olio extravergine di oliva
prezzemolo tagliato finemente

In una ciotola preparare l'acqua fredda e succo di un limone.
Pulire i carciofi eliminando le dure foglie esterne, la "barba" dall'interno e pelare i gambi fibrosi.
Tenere i carciofi nell'acqua con succo di limone per evitare che diventino neri mentre finite di pulire altri carciofi.
Tagliare ogni carciofo a metà e i gambi a pezzi di circa 3 cm.
Far bollire l'acqua, salarla e quando comincia a bollire aggiungere carciofi e far cuocere per circa 10 minuti.
Non bisogna cucinarli troppo perché devono rimanere croccanti.
Scollare carciofi e sistemarli sul piatto da portata.
Spruzzarli con il succo di limone e olio extravergine di oliva. Guarnire con prezzemolo tagliato finemente.
Servirli caldi o freddi come contorno.


artičoke (2-3 po osobi)
svježe iscijeđeni sok od limuna
ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje
fino nasjeckani peršin

Pripremite posudu s hladnom vodom i sokom od jednog limuna.
Očistite artičoke tako da odstranite tvrde vanjske listove, „bradu” iz sredine i ogulite vlaknastu stabljiku.
Stavljajte artičoke u vodu s limunovim sokom dok čistite ostale artičoke prije kuhanja da ne potamne i da ne oksidiraju.
Prepolovite svaku artičoku i narežite stabljike na komade velike 3 cm.
Stavite vodu da kuha, dodajte sol i kad vodu počne vrijati dodajte artičoke. Kuhajte ih oko 10 minuta.
Nemojte ih prekuhti, jer artičoke moraju ostati hrskave.
Ocijedite artičoke i posložite ih na tanjur za serviranje.
Poškropite sa svježe iscijeđenim limunovim sokom i ekstra djevičanskim maslinovim uljem. Ukrasite fino sjeckanim peršinom.
Poslužite ih tople ili hladne kao prilog.

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